Louisiana Feral Hog Management Advisory Task Force
Meeting Agenda
13 Apri12017
2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes from 12 January 2017 Meeting
IV. Introduction of Guests
V. Feedback from Annual Report submitted 1 February 2017
     A. Feedback from LDWF - Scott Durham
     B. Feedback from legislature - statement from Cole Garrett
     C. Feedback from LDAF - TBD
VI. Update and agency positions on Kaput (feral hog toxicant)
     A. LDAF representative - Kevin Wofford
     B. LDWF representative - Dr. Jim LaCour
VII. New Business
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Announcement of next meeting date - 13 July 2017
X. Adjournment