Scenic Rivers Descriptions and Map
(Select the Get on the Water tab, then select Natural and Scenic Rivers on the Layer List.)
Natural and Scenic Rivers

- Abita River in St. Tammany Parish: from its headwaters to its entrance into the Bogue Falaya River
- Amite River (East Feliciana and St. Helena Parishes): from the Louisiana-Mississippi state line to LA Hwy 37
- Barnes Creek: from LA Hwy 27 to the Calcasieu River in Allen and Beauregard parishes
- Bashman Bayou (St. Bernard Parish): from its origin to Bayou Dupre
- Bayou Bartholomew (Morehouse Parish): from the Louisiana-Arkansas state line to Dead Bayou
- Bayou Bienvenue (Orleans and St. Bernard parishes): from Bayou Villere to Lake Borgne
- Bayou Cane (St. Tammany Parish): from its head waters to Lake Pontchartrain
- Bayou Chaperon (St. Bernard Parish): from its origin to its end
- Bayou Chinchuba (St. Tammany Parish): from the West Causeway approach south to Lake Pontchartrain
- Bayou Cocodrie (Concordia Parish): from Wild Cow Bayou to Little Cross Bayou
- Bayou Cocodrie (Rapides and Evangeline parishes): from US Hwy 167 to the Bayou Boeuf-Cocodrie Diversion Canal
- Bayou D'Arbonne (Union and Ouachita parishes): from the Lake D'Arbonne dam to its entrance into the Ouachita River
- Bayou D'Loutre (L'Outre; Ouachita and Union parishes): from the Louisiana-Arkansas state line to the bayou’s entrance into the Ouachita River
- Bayou Des Allemands (Lafourche and St. Charles parishes): from Lac Des Allemands to Lake Salvador
- Bayou Dupre (St. Bernard Parish): from the Lake Borgne Canal to Terre Beau Bayou
- Bayou Kisatchie (Natchitoches Parish): from its entrance into Kisatchie National Forest to its entrance into Old River
- Bayou La Branche (St. Charles Parish): from its source to where it drains into Lake Pontchartrain
- Bayou LaCombe (St. Tammany Parish): from its headwaters to Lake Pontchartrain
- Bayou Liberty (St. Tammany Parish): from its designation at Horseshoe Island Road to Bayou Bonfouca
- Bayou Trepagnier (St. Charles Parish): from Norco to where the bayou joins Bayou La Branche
- Beckwith Creek: from its headwaters to the west fork of the Calcasieu River in Beauregard and Calcasieu parishes
- Big Creek (Grant Parish): from Hwy 167 to the creek’s entrance into Little River
- Black Lake Bayou (Red River, Natchitoches, Webster, and Bienville parishes): from the Webster-Bienville parish line to Black Lake in Natchitoches Parish
- Blind River (St. James, Ascension, Livingston, and St. John parishes): from its origin in St. James Parish to its entrance into Lake Maurepas
- Bogue Chitto River (Washington and St. Tammany parishes): from the Louisiana-Mississippi state line to the river’s entrance into the Pearl River Navigation Canal
- Bogue Falaya River (St. Tammany Parish): from its headwaters to LA Hwy 437 in St. Tammany Parish
- Bradley Slough (Bayou; St. Tammany Parish): all of that portion of the slough within the boundaries of St. Tammany Parish
- Bundicks Creek (Vernon, Beauregard, and Allen parishes): from its headwaters to Bundicks Lake and from Bundicks Lake to Whiskey (Ouiska) Chitto Creek
- Calcasieu River (Vernon and Rapides parishes): from LA Hwy 8 east through Vernon Parish and all of that portion of the river within the boundaries of Rapides Parish
- Calcasieu River (Allen, Jefferson Davis, and Calcasieu parishes): from the mouth of the Whiskey (Ouiska) Chitto River in Allen Parish, south through Jefferson Davis Parish, and to the river’s intersection with Ward Eight Park in Calcasieu Parish
- Comite River (East Feliciana and East Baton Rouge parishes): from the Wilson-Clinton Hwy (Hwy 10) in East Feliciana Parish to the entrance of White Bayou in East Baton Rouge Parish
- Corney Bayou (Claiborne and Union parishes): from the Louisiana-Arkansas state line to Corney Lake and Corney Lake Dam to Lake D'Arbonne
- Dorcheat (Dauchite) Bayou (Webster Parish): from the Arkansas state line to the bayou’s entrance into Lake Bistineau
- Drake's Creek (Vernon Parish): from Lookout Road to the creek’s confluence with Whiskey (Ouiska) Chitto Creek in Vernon Parish
- Fish Creek (Grant Parish): from its origin near Williana to its entrance into Little River
- Hickory Branch (Beauregard and Calcasieu parishes): from its headwaters to the west fork of the Calcasieu River
- Holmes Bayou (St. Tammany Parish): all of that portion of the bayou within the boundaries of St. Tammany Parish
- Lake Borgne Canal (St. Bernard Parish): from the Forty Arpent Canal to Bayou Dupre
- Little River (Rapides, Grant, and LaSalle parishes): from the juncture of Dugdemona and Castor Creek to the river’s entrance into Catahoula Lake
- Middle Fork of Bayou D'Arbonne (Claiborne, Lincoln, and Union parishes): from its origin near LA Hwy 2 Alternate to Lake D'Arbonne
- Morgan River (St. Tammany Parish): from its juncture with the Porters River to its reentry into the West Pearl River
- Ouachita River (Morehouse and Union parishes): from the north bank of Bayou Bartholomew at its intersection with the Ouachita River to the Arkansas state line
- Pearl Creek (Vernon Parish): from LA Hwy 111 to the creek’s entrance into the Sabine River
- Pirogue Bayou (St. Bernard Parish): from Bayou Dupre to New Canal
- Pushepatapa Creek (Washington Parish): from where East Fork and West Fork join near the state line to where the creek breaks up prior to entering the Pearl River
- Saline Bayou (Bienville, Winn, and Natchitoches parishes): from its origin near Arcadia to LA Hwy 156 in Winn Parish
- Saline Bayou (Catahoula and LaSalle parishes): from Saline Lake to Larto Lake
- Six Mile Creek (Allen and Vernon parishes): includes the East and West Forks and beginning at the boundary of Fort Polk Military Reservation (Lookout Road) and extending south through Vernon and Allen parishes to the creek’s entrance into Whiskey (Ouiska) Chitto Creek
- Spring Creek (Rapides Parish): from Otis to Cocodrie Lake in Rapides Parish
- Tangipahoa River (Tangipahoa Parish): from the Louisiana-Mississippi state line to the river’s entrance into Lake Pontchartrain
- Tchefuncte River and its tributaries (Washington, Tangipahoa, and St. Tammany parishes): from its origin in Tangipahoa Parish to its juncture with the Bogue Falaya River; tributaries include Beech, Champagne, Clark, Cowpen, Cypress, Hornsby, Horse, Mary, McClothlin, Mile, Rattlesnake, Savannah, Smith, Soap and Tallow, and Timber branches and Flower Bayou, Pruden, St. Paul’s, Simpson and Tantella creeks in St. Tammany Parish; Black, Bull, and Reedy branches and Snow and Taylor creeks in Tangipahoa Parish; Catca, Gorman, North and South Carson creeks in Washington Parish; and all other direct tributaries of the Tchefuncte.
- Tchefuncte River (excluding any tributaries; St. Tammany Parish): from the Bogue Falaya River to Lake Pontchartrain
- Ten Mile Creek (Rapides, Allen, and Vernon parishes): from the boundary of Fort Polk Military Reservation (Lookout Road) through Vernon Parish and all of that portion of the creek within the boundaries of Rapides and Allen Parishes
- Terre Beau Bayou (St. Bernard Parish): from Bayou Dupre to New Canal
- Tickfaw River (St. Helena and Livingston parishes): from the Louisiana-Mississippi state line to LA Hwy 42
- Trout Creek (LaSalle Parish): from its origin near Hwy 8 to its entrance into Little River
- West Pearl River (St. Tammany parish): from the state line to the river’s entrance into Lake Borgne
- Whiskey (Ouiska) Chitto Creek (Vernon, Beauregard, and Allen parishes): from the boundary of Fort Polk Military Reservation (Lookout Road) to its entrance into Calcasieu River
- Wilson Slough (Bayou; St. Tammany Parish): within the boundaries of St. Tammany Parish
Historic and Scenic Rivers
River, stream, or bayou or segment thereof which because of its unique historical status and scenic character requires protection and preservation of its aesthetic, scenic, recreation, fish, wildlife, ecological, archaeological, geological, botanical, and other natural and physical features
- Bayou Manchac (East Baton Rouge, Iberville, and Ascension Parishes): from the Amite River to the Mississippi River Levee
- Bayou St. John (Orleans Parish): from its point of origin to its entrance into Lake Pontchartrain