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Commercial Fishing/Reptile and Amphibian Collecting Licenses and Permits

To take or possess shrimp, crab, oysters, or finfish in Louisiana waters or gather reptiles and/or amphibians for commercial purposes, you must have one or more of the following licenses issued by LDWF. Application forms are available below.

License and Permit Types and Fees

If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Operate a commercial fishing vessel Commercial Fisherman License* OR Senior Commercial Fisherman License (if a resident age 70 or older) $96 resident, $620 nonresident; senior: $50 resident (does not include gear licenses). License is personal and not transferable. It allows you to transport and sell your catch to any licensed wholesale/retail seafood dealer in Louisiana. If you transport your catch out of state, sell to a retail seafood dealer, restaurant, or retail grocer, or purchase fish for resale, you must become a licensed Wholesale/Retail Seafood Dealer. You must have a Fresh Products License to transport and sell your catch to a consumer within the state. See below.
Are an apprentice to a licensed and permitted commercial fisherman taking saltwater fish Apprentice License $37.50 resident, $287.50 nonresident; must meet qualifying income criteria and be an apprentice for at least two years onboard a commercial saltwater fishing vessel; after two years, may apply for a regular commercial fisherman’s license or permit for spotted seatrout, rod and reel, mullet, or other restricted species
Gather reptiles and amphibians for sale Reptile and Amphibian Collector License $75 resident/$10 resident under age 18, $420 nonresident
Have a vessel fishing commercially in the saltwater areas of Louisiana Vessel License Residents: $50 for the first vessel, $35 for the second vessel, $20 for the third and any subsequent vessels; nonresidents: $400. This license is specific to the individual’s vessel and must be in the vessel owner’s name.
Produce fish in privately owned waters or ponds and transport and sell such fish Domesticated Aquatic Organism License $25 resident, $500 nonresident
Sell your catch to anyone who doesn’t have a Wholesale/Retail Seafood Dealer License (besides consumers) or transport your catch out of state Wholesale/Retail Seafood Dealer License $550 resident, $2,200 nonresident
Sell your catch directly to consumers within Louisiana Fresh Products License $61 resident, $300 nonresident. Commercial fishermen may also purchase a Fresh Products License-Other for $5 for any designated individual to sell directly to consumers. This license does not allow the sale of oysters.
Harvest fish/shellfish commercially in federal waters and travel through Louisiana state waters with harvested catch and/or commercial gear Gulf Seafood Traversing and Offloading License $75 resident, $800 nonresident. Any commercail fisherman harvesting commercially in federal waters may purchase this license to travel through Louisiana waters. 

*When a minor applies for a commercial fisherman’s license for the first time, he/she must provide the following:

  • An LDWF Commercial License Application, with parental consent (signed by the father, mother, legal custodian, or emancipated minor)
  • Parental documentation (one of the below)
    • Original or certified birth certificate
    • Custodial legal documentation
    • Emancipation documentation
  • Identification for the minor (one of the below)
    • Louisiana driver’s license
    • Louisiana identification card issued by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety
    • U.S. passport issued by the U.S. Department of State
    • Birth certificate and social security card
  • Proof of residence for the minor/emancipated minor or parent (one of the below, valid for 12 months or more)
    • Minor/emancipated minor:
      • Louisiana driver’s license
      • Louisiana identification card issued by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety
    • Parent:
      • Louisiana voter registration
      • Louisiana driver’s license
      • Louisiana vehicle registration
      • Louisiana state income tax return

Apply in-person at LDWF Headquarters at 2000 Quail Drive in Baton Rouge or via mail to:
LDWF Commercial Licensing
PO Box 98000
Baton Rouge, LA 70898.

Additional Species-Specific and Federal Licenses and Permits

You also must have additional licenses and permits to harvest some species and/or operate in federal waters. 


If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Harvest shrimp in federal waters Federal shrimp permit issued by NOAA Fisheries There is a moratorium on these permits; you may only apply for one if an original permit is transferred to you. View the current list of transferable permits. Contact NOAA Fisheries at 877.376.4877 for more information.
Commercially harvest shrimp for live bait Special Bait Dealer Permit $110; see regulations for more details
Use or possess shrimp trawls, butterfly nets, skimmer nets, or cast nets Commercial Gear License for each piece of gear $25 resident, $100 nonresident. You must have a license for each piece of gear. You must also pay an annual gear fee ($10 resident, $40 nonresident). 


If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Are the captain of commercial vessel harvesting or possessing oysters Oyster Harvester License $100 resident, $400 nonresident; see Mandatory Oyster Harvester Training
Are in charge of an oyster cargo vessel Oyster Cargo Vessel Permit $250 resident, $1,105 nonresident; permit holders must have a vessel monitoring system (VMS) acceptable to LDWF’s Law Enforcement Division
Harvest oysters from Calcasieu Lake Calcasieu Lake Oyster Harvester Permit No fee
Take and carry oysters from public oyster seed grounds and/or reservations (not including those in Calcasieu Lake) Public Oyster Seed Ground Vessel Permit and Public Oyster Seed Ground Gear Permit
  • Public Oyster Seed Ground Vessel Permit: $50 resident, $200 nonresident; issued in the name of the vessel owner; identifies the permitted vessel; cannot be sold, exchanged, or transferred. LDWF is currently prohibited by law from accepting applications for new permits but will be accepting them once a professionalism program is developed.
  • Public Oyster Seed Ground Gear Permit: $200 resident, $800 nonresident; allows license holders to harvest oysters from public oyster seed grounds using a single scraper, tongs, or by hand; a second scraper may be used but requires an additional gear license; maximum of two scrapers per vessel.
  • No oyster harvest allowed in Sabine Lake.
Harvest oysters from a private lease in Louisiana and land them outside of Louisiana Out-of-State Oyster Landing Permit $100 resident and nonresident; the permit is valid for one calendar year; apply in person at LDWF; permit holders must have a VMS acceptable to LDWF’s Law Enforcement Division
Grow oysters in cages, on- or off-bottom, on permitted state-owned or private water bottoms for commercial harvest
  • Alternative Oyster Culture Permit
  • Oyster Harvester License
  • Commercial Fisherman License
Permit application fee is $100; permits are granted for a 10-year period. You must be 18 years old and a Louisiana resident (or a corporation organized in Louisiana). You must also have a Coastal Use Permit from the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources as well as a Section 10 and/or Section 9 Obstruction to Navigation Permit and Section 404 Fill Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Import live viable oysters, regardless of life stage and ploidy, and intend to place those oysters or their progeny, regardless if they are contained or released, in Louisiana waters Oyster Importation Permit
  • No fee.
  • Only oysters from the northern Gulf of America will be considered for permitting.
  • Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • A copy of the permit, importation protocol, and Oyster Health Certificate must remain with the oysters during transport events into Louisiana.
  • The permittee must notify LDWF at least 48 hours in advance of each importation event..
Use or posses oyster scrapers (dredges) or tongs Commercial Gear License for each peice of gear
  • Each scraper: $50 resident, $400 nonresident
  • Each tong: $50 resident, $400 nonresident

Reef Fish (Triggerfish, Amberjack, Wrasse, Snapper, Grouper, and Tilefish)

If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Harvest or sell reef fish (triggerfish, amberjack, wrasse, snapper, grouper, and tilefish) in state or federal waters NOAA Fisheries-issued Commercial Reef Fish Vessel Permit Federally-permitted reef fish vessels must carry a VMS onboard. Additional federal regulations apply to the harvest of reef fish. For reef fish fishery management, Louisiana waters extend to 9 nautical miles. Fishermen should stay informed of the state/federal jurisdictional boundary as future congressional actions may affect current boundary demarcation as it applies to reef fish. If a future congressional action modifies the state/federal jurisdictional boundary, it will not impact the type of fishing gear reef fish fishermen may use.


If you: You must have a/an:
Harvest king or Spanish mackerel in federal waters NOAA Fisheries-issued King or Spanish Mackerel Permit


If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Harvest and sell mullet (unless harvesting for live bait) Mullet Permit $300 resident, $1200 nonresident; to qualify, you must have had a Saltwater Gill Net License during any two years from 1993 to 1995 and provide state and federal income tax returns (including Schedule C of the federal 1040 form) demonstrating more than 50% of your earned income came from the capture and sale of seafood in at least two years from 1993 to 1995


If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Harvest and sell pompano caught with a strike net Pompano Permit No fee; application period is from January 1 to April 30 each year

Spotted Seatrout

If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Harvest and sell spotted seatrout Spotted Seatrout Permit $150 resident, $600 nonresident; to qualify, you must have had a Saltwater Gill Net License during any two years from 1993 to 1995 and provide state and federal income tax returns (including Schedule C of the federal 1040 form) demonstrating more than 50% of your earned income came from the capture and sale of seafood in at least two years from 1993 to 1995; saltwater guides may not obtain a Spotted Seatrout Permit.


If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Harvest sharks LDWF-issued Shark Permit $25
Harvest sharks in federal waters Federal Shark Permit  See NOAA Fisheries for details.


If you: You must have a/an:
Harvest, possess, or sell swordfish caught in state or federal waters Federal Commercial Swordfish Permit


If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Harvest, possess, or sell Atlantic albacore, bigeye, bluefin, skipjack, and yellowfin tuna caught in state or federal waters Federal Commercial Tuna Permit See NOAA Fisheries or call 888.872.8862 for current information.


If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Import, export, transport, culture, possess, dispose of, transfer, or sell tilapia in Louisiana Tilapia Culture Permit Bond: $25,000; fee: $50. For more information, call 225.765.0765.
Possess and sell live tilapia in Louisiana Tilapia Holder Permit Bond: $10,000; fee: $50. For more information, call 225.765.0765.

Gear Licenses and Permits

License and Permit Types and Fees

You must also have a license for each piece of gear you’re using unless otherwise noted. Gear licenses are temporarily transferable between licensed commercial fishermen of the same residency status. Nonresidents may not purchase licenses for gear that is prohibited in their home state.

In addition:

If you: You must have a/an: Fees and notes:
Transport gill nets, seines, strike nets, and trammel nets across state waters to use in federal waters Traversing Permit Free. You may not use these gears in state saltwater areas (unless you have a special permit to use strike nets). You may not possess red drum or spotted seatrout on vessels carrying these gears. You must notify LDWF at 800.442.2511 or 225.765.2441 four hours before you leave port to traverse or fish under the conditions of the Traversing Permit and immediately when you return from the permitted trip.
Develop experimental fishing gear to harvest underutilized species and develop new fisheries Experimental Fisheries Program Permit For more information, call 225.765.0765.