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Lake Ramsay Savannah

For more information, contact Forest Burks at, or 985.543.4777.

Recognizing the threatened status of high-quality longleaf pine flatwoods savannahs in Louisiana and the many unique native species the habitat supports, LDWF acquired the Lake Ramsay Savannah property in 1992. In recent years, the Nature Conservancy has purchased additional lands along Lake Ramsay and Horse Branch Roads, enlarging the area under conservation management.

Prescribed fire is critical in the maintenance of his rare habitat. LDWF frequently burns the area to perpetuate the wide variety of ground cover plant species that occurs in the longleaf pine savannah. At least 18 rare plant species have been identified on this WMA, making it one of the most significant savannahs remaining in eastern Louisiana. This unique open longleaf savannah has evolved historically due to the regular use of prescribed fire.

In addition to the longleaf pine savannah, Lake Ramsay Savannah WMA supports other valuable natural plant communities including bayhead forest, small river floodplains forest, and an upland sandy stream (Tchefuncte River).


Activities and Amenities

Hunting and trapping: Deer (archery only), small game, and waterfowl are available. See regulations for details.

Hiking: There is a nature trail on the south end of the WMA. It is a favorite of birders and students.

Other: Photography, birding, wildlife viewing, research, education


At least 18 rare plant species have been identified on this WMA, making it one of the most significant savannahs remaining in eastern Louisiana. 


Lake Ramsay Savannah


St. Tammany








Lake Ramsay WMA is located about 7 miles northwest of Covington and is accessible from Lake Ramsay Road west of LA Hwy 25. The area is walk-in-only.