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Sabine Island

For more information, contact Kori Legleu at or by phone at 337.491.2299.

Sabine Island WMA is bounded by the Sabine River to the south and west and Old River and Big Bayou to the east and north. The area varies from low terrain subject to annual flooding for prolonged periods to winding ridges. Numerous bayous and sloughs are found throughout the area.

The forest cover is composed of two major types of timber—cypress-tupelo makes up about 85 percent and pine hardwood makes up the remainder. In the pine hardwood areas, white oaks, willow oak, and sweetgum are found mixed with loblolly pine. The major understory species are smilax, rattan, arrowwood, Japanese honeysuckle, blackberries, dewberries, and seedlings of the major hardwood species.


Activities and Amenities

Hunting and trapping: Available game species include squirrel, rabbit, deer, woodcock, and waterfowl. Trapping for furbearers is also allowed. Furbearers include raccoon, opossum, mink, bobcat, and nutria. See regulations for details.

Fishing and boating: Due to its location and abundant waterways, Sabine Island WMA is very popular for boating and waterskiing. The WMA also offers excellent fishing, both recreational and commercial, year-round. See regulations for details.


Due to its location and abundant waterways, Sabine Island WMA is very popular for boating and waterskiing.


Sabine Island







Louisiana Office of State Lands, Calcasieu Parish School Board, Rayonier



Sabine Island WMA is located in between Vinton and Starks. Take LA Hwy 109 north from Vinton or south from Starks, then take Niblett’s Bluff Park Road to the west. Sabine Island WMA is completely surrounded by water; you can only access the WMA by boat.