Boat Sewage Disposal/Clean Vessel Act Grants
Clean water is important to all of us. One way to improve water quality is to stop discharging sewage overboard. Sewage discharges are unsightly and contain disease-causing microorganisms which can contaminate shellfish beds and areas used for swimming, skiing, and fishing. Decaying sewage can also degrade aquatic habitats by reducing oxygen levels.
How Recreational Boaters Can Help
Instead of discharging sewage overboard,
- Use shoreside restrooms before going out on the water
- Properly dispose of waste from portable toilets and onboard holding tanks
- Use pumpout stations, such as those at the facilities listed below.
How Marina Operators Can Help
Boaters need pumpout units and portable toilet washdown stations to properly and legally dispose of boat sewage. LDWF provides funding to marina operators and local governmental entities (sponsors) to cover up to 75% of the cost of installing or renovating boat sewage disposal facilities. Funding is provided through the federal Clean Vessel Act Grant Program. Most costs are eligible for reimbursement under these grants including design and engineering, permits, equipment, electrical/water/sewer hookups, and construction/installation. The only expenses expressly forbidden are those associated with the purchase and installation of sewage treatment plants or systems. In addition, to help cover operational and maintenance costs, marina operators may charge up to $5 per use of facilities built with grant funds.
Project Requirements
- Subrecipients must adhere to federal regulations outlined in 2 CFR 200, including all procurement requirements. Projects must adhere to Buy America Build America (BABA) regulations.
- Only equitable fees may be charged for usage.
- Facilities constructed, operated, or maintained with grant funds must be accessible to the public for the full period of their useful life.
- CVA signage must be displayed and visible to boaters from the water.
Apply for Funding
Local sponsors can submit applications for funding to LDWF as announced annually. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) typically releases the Notice of Funding Opportunity in August; applications are due to the USFWS in November. However, sponsors must submit applications to LDWF for review and evaluation at least a month prior to the USFWS application deadline.
Applications must be completed and submitted online. Required supporting documentation includes:
- Project location maps and drawings: Maps should clearly show where the proposed project is located. It is recommended to include a broad scale map and a finer scale map to indicate both general vicinity and exact location. Examples are included within the online application. Preliminary drawings should clearly depict all project elements and locations in relation to the site.
- Proof of ownership: The local sponsor must provide evidence of landownership or a lease agreement for the proposed project site. If the property is leased, the lease must extend through the useful life of the project.
- Project statement that provides a clear understanding of the overall project. It should include, but not be limited to the following:
- Need: Explain why the project is necessary and how it fulfills the purpose of the Clean Vessel Act Grant Program.
- Purpose: State the ultimate purpose for the proposed project and link the purpose to the demonstrated need.
- Objectives: Identify specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives to be accomplished during the project period.
- Expected results and benefits: Describe the expected results and benefits from accomplishing the objectives.
- Approach: Describe the approach to be used in meeting the objectives including a timeline of significant milestones.
- Budget narrative: Explain and justify all requested budget items/costs. Demonstrate a clear connection between costs and the proposed project activities. Describe resources you used to develop cost estimates for the project. Include the source(s) of matching funds and other partner contributions. Income generated from the project can only be used for maintenance and operation of the project. The application must address the potential for income generation. Also include the useful life of the project. An example budget narrative is included within the online application.
- Assurance forms: These documents include general regulations associated with federal funding and construction specific regulations related to federal funding. These forms are provided within the online application.
- Resolution or authorization letter: An adopted resolution by the local governmental entity or letter by the board of a private entity authorizing that a designated representative has the authority to apply and administer the federal Clean Vessel Program grant on behalf of the applicant, indicating the amount of match that will be provided and stating that the local governmental entity is willing to enter into a 5-year agreement for the maintenance and operation of the project. An example resolution is included within the online application.
- Permits: Note that permits are not required until the project LDWF selects the project for funding.
- A USACE 404 Permit is required for the disposal of dredge or fill material in the waters of the United States. This is a broad term which applies to most of the nation’s lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and coastal waters. Certain activities are exempt and do not need a permit, while other activities may proceed without an individual permit, if they are covered by a regional or nationwide permit. Contact the regulatory branch of the USACE District Office in your area for specific information about location exemptions and regional/nationwide permits.
- The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) requires a Letter of Concurrence (Section 6), taking into account the effects on historic structural and archaeological properties.
- A USFWS Section 7 Biological Evaluation. Under the Endangered Species Act, actions funded under the federal aid programs must not jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of the habitat of the species.
- The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that every proposed federal action be examined to determine the effects it will have on the human environment and that the findings be considered in decisions regarding its implementation.
- Sewage disposal documentation. If the sewage collected by the proposed disposal facility will be discharged directly into a public or private sewage treatment system, documentation must be provided from the manager of the treatment system agreeing to accept the sewage, as well as certification from the local sanitarian or Office of Public Health that the treatment system has sufficient capacity to adequately treat and dispose of the sewage waste. If the sewage collected by the proposed facility will be held in a holding tank for subsequent truck pick-up, a letter must be provided from a licensed sewage hauler agreeing to pick up and properly dispose of the sewage.
LDWF will assist with acquiring the SHPO, Section 7, and NEPA permits. The local sponsor is responsible for obtaining the USACE 404 Permit and the sewage disposal documentation.
Project Evaluation and Approval
LDWF evaluates project proposals and submits selected projects to the USFWS. Eligible projects that are greater than $50,000 will be submitted to the USFWS for national evaluation/ranking. If the USFWS approves a project, LDWF will apply for a federal grant on behalf of the local sponsor. Financial assistance cannot be provided for any work performed prior to grant approval by the USFWS and execution of a subaward between the local sponsor and LDWF.
Project Partner Roles and Responsibilities
- Ensures the project is eligible for the Clean Vessel Act Grant Program funding and is substantial in character and design
- Submits Section 7, NEPA, and SHPO documentation
- Applies for federal grant on behalf of local sponsor
- Develops, manages, and monitors the subaward agreement with the local sponsor and ensures the project is meeting requirements
- Reviews project design documents
- Ensures all projects are implemented according to state and federal laws
- Reviews payment requests from subrecipient.
- Submits required performance reports to USFWS.
- Local sponsor/marina operator (i.e., subrecipient):
- Submits funding application to LDWF
- Accepts federal subaward and adheres to federal requirements and regulations
- Directly administers the project
- Covers all costs and is eligible for up to 75% reimbursement
- Responsible for at least 25% of the total project cost in the form of cash, land value, or in-kind services
- Required to enter into a contract with LDWF
- Submits payment requests and performance reports to LDWF
- Maintains project throughout its useful life.
- Reviews and approves or denies grant application
- Ensures project is eligible for Clean Vessel Act Grant Program funding
- Reviews performance reports
- Provides reimbursement for completed work.
Louisiana Marinas and Boat Ramps with Boat Sewage Disposal Facilities
If you have a marina or boat ramp with boat sewage disposal facilities, please contact Melissa Longman at or 225.765.2343 to be listed below.
Bayou Liberty
Slidell Municipal Marina at Heritage Park
Latitude: 30.280 N; longitude: 89.784 W
Details: Self-service pumpout unit
Fee: Free
Bayou Terrebonne (at intersection of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway)
Downtown Marina
Houma, LA
Latitude: 29.599 N; longitude: 90.711 W
Details: Full service pumpout unit and portable toilet washdown station
Fee: $5 (free for overnight guests)
Contraband Bayou
Bowtie Marina
Lake Charles, LA
Latitude: 30.204 N; longitude: 93.240 W
Details: Full service pumpout unit
Fee: $20
Lake Palourde
Lake End Park
Morgan City, LA
Latitude: 29.718 N; longitude: 91.188 W
Details: Full service pumpout unit
Fee: $5
Lake Pontchartrain
Mariners Village Marina
Mandeville, LA
Latitude: 30.366 N; longitude: 90.091 W
Details: Full service pumpout unit and portable toilet washdown station
Fee: $5; no fee for members of BOAT US/U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary/Power Squadron
Orleans Marina
New Orleans, LA
Latitude: 30.024 N; longitude: 90.119
Details: Self service pumpout unit
Fee: Free
Ouachita River
Forsythe Point
Monroe, LA
Latitude: 32.518 N; longitude: 92.133 W
Details: Two full service pumpout units on floating docks
Fee: Free
Moon Lake Resort
Monroe, LA
Latitude: 32.606 N; longitude: 92.094 W
Details: Self service pumpout unit
Fee: Free
Tchefuncte River
Marina Beau Chene
Mandeville, LA
Latitude: 30.417 N; longitude: 90.125 W
Details: Self service pumpout unit
Fee: $5
Marina Del Ray
Madisonville, LA
Latitude: 30.399 N; longitude: 90.153 W
Details: Self service pumpout unit
Fee: $10
Toledo Bend
Cypress Bend Park
Negreet, LA
Latitude: 31.420 N; longitude: 93.679 W
Details: Full service trailer-mounted pumpout unit (call ahead to schedule use); self service fixed portable toilet washdown station
Fee: $5
Pleasure Point Landing
Toro, LA
Latitude: 31.242 N; longitude: 93.581 W
Details: Full service trailer-mounted pumpout unit and fixed portable toilet washdown station
Fee: Free