Walnut Hill
For more information, contact Kori Legleu at klegleu@wlf.la.gov or by phone at 337.491.2299.
LDWF acquired Walnut Hill WMA from the Farmers Home Administration. The property is made up of several small tracts of land both north and south of Hwy 121. This land consists of slightly rolling hills and was primarily used as pasture for dairy cattle. The habitat includes thick undergrowth and mixed young hardwoods and pine trees.
Activities and Amenities
Hunting and trapping: There are limited rabbit, deer (archery only), and woodcock hunting opportunities on Walnut Hill WMA due to its small size and dense habitat. There is a small game emphasis area on this WMA. See regulations for details.
Other: hiking, photography, birding
Walnut Hill WMA is located approximately 2 miles east of Slagle on Hwy 121.