West Bay
West Bay WMA is bounded by LA Hwy 10 on the north, LA Hwy 26 on the south, Turner Road on the west, and River Road on the east. The terrain on this WMA is generally flat. About one-third of the area can be considered a baygall habitat and is poorly drained. The remaining area has fairly good drainage. Mill Creek is the only major flowing stream. The forest cover is composed of pine plantations with scattered hardwoods along streambeds. There are some pine-hardwood stands on the edge of the baygall areas. The most common hardwood species are water, white, red, willow, and cow oak; blackgum; beech; and hickory. Important overstory species include flowering dogwood, redbay, sweetleaf, and sweetgum. The understory varies with the timber type. In the baygall areas, some of the more common and valuable species are yaupon, rattan, arrowwood, smilax, and deciduous holly. The understory in the pine plantations is primarily blackberry, dewberry, huckleberry, smilax, and numerous annual legumes and grasses.
Activities and Amenities
Hunting and trapping: Available game species are squirrel, rabbit, deer, dove, woodcock, and turkey. There are youth deer and squirrel seasons as well as youth and general turkey lottery hunts. Furbearer trapping is allowed during trapping season. See regulations for details.
Physically challenged wheelchair-confined deer hunting areas are also available by reservation on West Bay.
Camping: LDWF maintains two primitive camping areas on the area.
West Bay WMA offers excellent archery opportunities for deer.
Owned by Hancock Timber, Roy O. Martin, Forest Investment, and Rayonier; LDWF manages wildlife and public recreation
West Bay WMA is located near Elizabeth. The WMA is very accessible via state highways, parish roads, and timber company roads. There are eight self-clearing permit stations around the WMA.