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Resources for New Hunters

To help the next generation of hunters learn to hunt


Get Licensed

If you're age 18 and older, you need a Basic Hunting License as well as additional special licenses depending on what and how you're hunting. Find out more about hunting license types and fees.

You also must complete an LDWF-approved hunter education course and earn your Hunter Education Certification (exception for those born before September 1, 1969).

Video Guides

Basic Equipment for New Hunters


Clothing Layering System for Hunting


Footwear for Hunting


Shooting Tips


How to Use a Compass


Using a Map and Compass to Navigate off Trail


First Aid Basics


Bear Safety while Hunting


Tagging Deer via Text-to-Tag


Tagging Deer via Text-to-Tag (Using Website)


The Gutless Field Dressing Method


Bow Selection


Arrowhead Selection


Arrow Basics


How to Sight a Bow


Bow Training and Practice


Deer Hunting

  • Learn all the important aspects of deer hunting with the National Deer Association's new Deer Hunting 101 video series.
  • The How to Hunt Deer podcast covers a variety of topics such as where to find deer, how to choose your weapon, and how to process your harvest. All this information will help you be more comfortable and confident in the field while hunting deer. This podcast was created and produced by the National Deer Association and the Sportsmen’s Nation Podcast Network.
  • The National Deer Association Deer Hunting 101 Online Course will teach you where to hunt, deer hunting tips and strategies, the best rifle for hunting deer, and much more. The fee for this course is $29.99.
  • Planting food plots for white-tailed deer is one of the most popular habitat management techniques. The Quality Deer Management Association and National Deer Association share the latest information on what to plant, when to plant, and how to plant to ensure a successful whitetail food plot.
  • Whitetails are the most studied (and hunted) wildlife species in North America. QDMA helps fund scientific research that can help you be a more effective hunter and deer manager.

Duck and Goose Hunting

Delta Waterfowl's Duck and Goose Hunting 101 Course shows you when, where, and how to hunt waterfowl successfully. The fee for this course is $29.99.

Turkey Hunting

The National Wild Turkey Federation's Turkey Hunting 101 Online Course will teach you where to hunt, turkey hunting tips and strategies, the best shotgun for hunting turkey, and much more. The fee for this course is $29.99.


  • LDWF's Becoming an Outdoors Woman is a hands-on workshop that teaches basic outdoor education courses to women, 18 and older, over a weekend. Topics include live-fire shotgun and rifle classes and turkey and deer management.
  • Through Beyond Becoming an Outdoors Woman, LDWF offers advanced hands-on outdoor educational workshops. Past workshops have included Deer Hunt, Rabbit Hunt, Squirrel Hunt, Woodcock Hunt, 3-D Archery, and Advanced Shotgun and Rifle.

Firearm Training

Owning a firearm is a big responsibility. Solid knowledge on safe handling and storage are part of that responsibility. Take a course today and let us help you gain competency and knowledge on safe firearms ownership! Through our partner IHEA-USA.


Use our Outdoor Explorer interactive map to find public hunting lands, shooting ranges, and license vendors near you as well as hunting zones and management areas.