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"This is the best week-long workshop I have ever attended. I have returned to volunteer at this workshop for many years since I first attended in 1998.  The best part is not just the experience, but you get resources to bring this information back to your classroom." - Kathleen Nichols, Workshop Participant and Volunteer


What is WETshop?

The Wetland Education Teacher Workshop (WETshop) is hosted by LDWF each summer. It is a week-long immersive program focused on coastal awareness for formal and non-formal educators. Participants work alongside scientists to explore Louisiana’s coastal wetlands, their challenges, and their rich history through hands-on, high-quality learning experiences.

What You'll Learn

During WETshop, participants have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about fisheries management
  • Observe fishing techniques like trawling and seining
  • Study barrier islands and their role in coastal health
  • Visit a brown pelican rookery to learn about coastal ornithology
  • Take a walking tour of coastal botany
  • Examine water quality testing
  • Tour one of the country’s largest oil ports
  • Explore an oyster hatchery and other coastal restoration sites
  • Understand the role of invasive species in coastal land loss
  • Connect with wetland scientists and researchers
  • Network and brainstorm with like-minded educators

Benefits of Attending WETshop

WETshop helps educators bring Louisiana’s coastal science into their classroom settings at any grade level. A key focus is wetland stewardship, with participants leading a six-hour project on coastal land loss and restoration when they return to school the following year.

Participants will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Receive a Wonders of Wetlands teacher guidebook and classroom resources
  • Connect with wetland scientists and experts
  • Earn 50+ professional contact hours
  • Be eligible for a stipend for the summer workshop and the implementation of their six-hour wetland project when they return to their classroom settings the following academic year. This mandatory project can focus on a variety of topics covered over the duration of the summer workshop.

Cost & Accomodation Information

Upon selection, participants will pay a $50 security deposit to hold their spot for the summer workshop. Stipends may vary from year to year depending on available funding.  Lodging and meals are provided Sunday PM - Friday AM.

How to Apply

The next WETshop is scheduled for July 13-18, 2025 and will be held in Grand Isle, Louisiana.

Registration opens on January 27, 2025. The deadline to apply is April 25, 2025.


Applicants will be notified the week of May 12th if they have been accepted or not. Fifteen participants will be selected.


Next WETshop

July 13-18, 2025
Grand, Isle, La.

For more information, contact Lindsay Seely at 225-765-2375

