Clear Creek
Clear Creek WMA is managed as a loblolly/slash pine plantation on a 30-year rotation. The area has gently sloping hills interspersed with small creek bottoms with occasional hardwood flats. The upland overstory is composed of longleaf, slash, loblolly, and shortleaf pine along with red, blackjack, and post oak. Plant growth on the hills is sparse and mainly includes wax myrtle, yaupon holly, dogwood, and huckleberry. Creek bottoms have an overstory of water, willow, and white oak; beech; sweetgum; and magnolia. The creek bottom understory varies from sparse to dense; understory species include red and white bay, red maple, blackgum, gallberry, sweet leaf, honeysuckle, greenbriar, blackberry, dewberry, rattan, and huckleberry. The area’s soils are generally low in fertility with acidic characteristics commonly found in upland pine habitats.
Activities and Amenities
Hunting and trapping: Sportsmen from all over the state come to Clear Creek WMA to hunt. Game species available for hunting in the area include deer, squirrel, rabbit, turkey, quail, dove, and woodcock. Clear Creek WMA’s hunting seasons are similar to those of the surrounding parish, except for shorter deer and turkey seasons. There are youth and general turkey lottery hunts as well as youth deer and squirrel seasons. See regulations for details.
Physically challenged wheelchair-confined deer hunting areas are available by reservation on Clear Creek WMA.
Furbearers such as raccoon, mink, beaver, bobcat, coyote, and otter are also found on the WMA in moderate numbers. Trapping is allowed on the WMA during the state trapping season; trapping is an important tool for controlling and keeping these animal populations in balance with nature. See regulations for details.
Camping: Clear Creek WMA has one primitive camping area available for use year-round.
Birding: Many neotropical birds, including indigo bunting, Henslow’s sparrow, prothonotary warbler, and rose-breasted grosbeak visit or call Clear Creek WMA home.
Manulife Investment Management Timberland and Agriculture, Inc. and Roy O. Martin
Clear Creek WMA is located 20 miles west of Leesville. There are six self-clearing permit stations located on the WMA.