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Louisiana Shrimp Task Force

The Louisiana Shrimp Task Force is responsible for studying and monitoring the shrimp industry and making recommendations to LDWF, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, and other state agencies on improving production and the economic sustainability of the industry.

Upcoming Meetings

Task force meeting are open to the public.

Full Task Force

Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 1:00 pm
LDWF Headquarters
2000 Quail Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70898


There are no committee meetings set at this time.

For more information, contact Peyton Cagle at or 337.491.2213
or Allison West at or 504.286.8739.


Louisiana Shrimp Task Force members include representatives from the shrimp industry and related state agencies.

Current Members

Certified Commercial Fishermen  Active Dock Buyer Active Shrimp Processors Administration (Nonvoting)
Rodney Olander Chalin Delaune Kristen Baumer Neal McMillian
(Governor's designee)
Lance Nacio   Alan Gibson Peyton Cagle (LDWF marine biologist)
Acy Cooper, Jr.   Andrew Blanchard Major Edward Skena (LDWF enforcement agent)
Vacant (Alternate)   Randy Pearce (Alternate) Dr. Jack Isaacs (LDWF economist)
Jeff Drury, III (Alternate)   Vacant (Alternate) Gene Cavalier (Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry designee)
Phillip Tran (Alternate)   Vacant (Alternate) Vacancy (Louisiana Department of Health designee)