Isle Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge
Beginning June 1, 2022, visitors must have a WMA Access Permit, Senior Hunting/Fishing License, Louisiana Sportsman's Paradise License, or a Lifetime Hunting/Fishing License to visit an LDWF WMA, Refuge, or Conservation Area, including Shooting Ranges, for any reason—boating, hiking, bird watching, berry picking, fishing, hunting, shooting, etc. The WMA Access Permit only covers access onto the property—it does NOT convey hunting or fishing privileges. Beginning July 1, 2022, all visitors must also comply with self-clearing permit guidelines.
Beginning July 1, 2022, all visitors must comply with self-clearing permit guidelines.
Located across the shoreline of Terrebonne Parish, Isle Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge consists of four barrier islands in the Isles Dernieres chain—Wine, Trinity/East, Whiskey, and Raccoon Islands—and several thousand acres of associated water. LDWF initially acquired these islands in June 1992 from the Louisiana Land and Exploration Company via a 25-year free lease. The islands were later permanently transferred to LDWF.
The Isle Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge provides crucial protection from erosion and hurricane damage to the mainland north of the islands. These barrier islands have sustained significant erosion from wave energy, hurricanes, and tropical storms over the years. There have been multiple projects to rebuild and protect these islands over the last three decades.
One of LDWF’s primary management goals for this refuge is to provide and protect habitat for nesting waterbirds. Raccoon Island is one of the most important waterbird nesting areas on the coast. LDWF monitors bird activities and habitat conditions on all of the islands.
Activities and Amenities
Public access to the islands is prohibited unless permitted by the Secretary of LDWF. See the below regulations for details.
The waters immediately adjacent to and surrounding the Isle Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge are an extremely popular recreational fishing destination. See the latest fishing regulations for details.
Isle Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge is located approximately 15 miles southwest of Cocodrie and can only be accessed via watercraft.
Wine Island, East Island, Whiskey Island, Trinisty and Raccoon Island
- Public access by any means to the exposed land areas, wetlands, and interior waterways of these islands is prohibited without a permit.
- Disturbing, injuring, or collecting flora, fauna, or other property is prohibited without a permit.
- Boat traffic is allowed adjacent to the islands in open water (Gulf and bays).
- Boat traffic is prohibited in waterways extending into the interior of the islands or within any land-locked open waters or wetlands of the islands.
- Fishing from boats along the shore and wade fishing in the surf areas of the islands is allowed.
- Littering is prohibited.