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Fort Johnson North

The terrain on Fort Johnson North WMA consists of gentle to high rolling hills interspersed with creeks. Longleaf pine is dominant on some of the hills while a mixture of loblolly and longleaf pine and red, blackjack, and post oak is found on other ridges. Some portions of the area support mixed pine stands of longleaf, loblolly, and shortleaf. Groves of sandjack oak are also present. Large areas with little or no timber are common. The understory of these upland areas is very sparse and contains wax myrtle, yaupon, sweetgum, dogwood, huckleberry, sumac, and seedlings of the overstory. The overstory on the creek bottoms includes water oak, beech, magnolia, sweetgum, red maple, and ash. Understory species include dogwood, buttonbush, French mulberry, wild azalea, hazel alder, hawthorn, red and white bay, black gum, viburnum, and seedlings of the overstory.


For more information, contact Kori Legleu at or by phone at 337.491.2299.

Activities and Amenities

Hunting and trapping: Available game species include deer, squirrel, rabbit, quail, woodcock, dove, and turkey. There is also a youth turkey lottery hunt. Trapping is allowed for raccoon, fox, bobcat, skunk, opossum, mink, and coyote. See regulations for details.

Camping: Camping is not permitted on Fort Johnson North WMA but is allowed on adjacent U.S. Forest Service lands.



Fort Johnson North


Sabine, Natchitoches, Vernon





U.S. Army



Fort Johnson North WMA is located 14 miles north of Leesville.