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Marsh Bayou

For more information, contact Kori Legleu at or by phone at 337.491.2299.

Acquired from the Farmers Home Administration, Marsh Bayou WMA was primarily used as an agricultural rice farm for many years and is now being converted back to forestland. The WMA is flat and poorly drained. Most of the habitat consists of thick wax myrtle and sweet gum thickets with scattered pines and hardwoods. A small bayou cuts the property in half. LDWF has planted 200 acres of the northeast corner of the property with a variety of hardwood species, and the southwest portion is planted in longleaf pine.

Activities and Amenities

Hunting and trapping: Due to its small acreage and thick habitat, Marsh Bayou WMA offers limited rabbit, deer (archery only), and woodcock hunting opportunities. There is a small game emphasis area on this WMA. See regulations for details.

Other: Hiking, photography, birding



Marsh Bayou










Marsh Bayou WMA is located approximately 3 miles east of Oakdale, north of Hwy 10. You can only access the area off Cypress Creek Road, 3 miles north of Hwy 10 at the corner of Parish Road 4-20. Parking is limited, and there are no roads within the WMA.