There is now a t-shirt selling campaign and special fund established to help Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Senior Agent Tyler Wheeler’s family with medical bills and expenses.

Wheeler is recovering from multiple gunshot wounds suffered while making a traffic stop early Saturday morning. The 25-year-old agent was shot in the arm, shoulder, jaw and head. Two people have been arrested in connection with the shooting.

According to a recent Facebook entry, Wheeler’s father, Darren Wheeler posted “Thanks for everything and all the prayers. That old saying, ‘Do you believe in miracles?’ I guess he (Tyler Wheeler) is answering our question.”

According to the Monroe News Star newspaper, over $21,000 has been raised through the t-shirt selling campaign. Shirts can be ordered, according to the newspaper, until Jan. 23 and will arrive Feb. 8. Prices vary based on the style ordered. For more information regarding the fundraiser, visit

A fund has also been established by the Louisiana Wildlife Agents’ Association, a nonprofit corporation which seeks to protect and promote the welfare and interest of all classified commissioned wildlife agents, active or retired.


The account is set up under the LWAA c/o Tyler Wheeler. According the newspaper, anyone who wants to donated can visit any Capital One location and make a deposit to account number 2082047754. Funds generated will be used to assist with medical expenses incurred by the Wheeler family.