The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Enforcement Division has released recruiting video and audio files to help with recruiting for their next academy that will be announced in August.

The recruiting video and audio clips can be used for any TV or radio public service announcement spot that is available.  The recruiting video can be found at  For a direct download of the video and for the audio attachment, please email Adam Einck at

“We are trying to recruit the best possible candidates for our next cadet academy that will be announced soon,” said Col. Chad Hebert, head of the Enforcement Division.  “Anyone that is interested in working in the outdoors and is qualified should strongly consider a career as a Louisiana Wildlife Agent.”

The LDWF Enforcement Division plans on announcing their 34th Cadet Academy sometime in August.  Once the announcement is made, the application period will be open for 21 days on the Louisiana Civil Service website for the job title “Wildlife Enforcement Cadet”.

LDWF is also reminding all potential applicants that they must take the Law Enforcement and Protective Services (LEAPS) Series 9500 civil service test by July 30, 2021 and get a score of 77 or above to be eligible for the next Cadet Academy.

If someone has already taken the LEAPS 9500 test and received a score of 77 or above, please check with civil service to make sure it is still up to date.

In order to schedule the LEAPS 9500 civil service exam, please visit