White-fronted geese, often called specklebellies, flock to Louisiana during the fall and winter and are highly-prized by goose hunters. But despite increases in the Midcontinent white-front population, wintering counts in Louisiana have declined in the last two decades, according to the mid-winter waterfowl survey conducted every January.


Louisiana has experienced significant changes in agriculture, lasting hurricane effects, and increased urbanization and industrialization in historic goose habitats.  These factors as well as increasing estimates of active waterfowl hunters to twice that in 2005, may be contributing to a smaller proportion of Mississippi Flyway white-fronted geese wintering in our state. An average of 32 percent of Midcontinent  white-fronted geese now winter in Louisiana compared to 80 percent 20 years ago.


Mississippi Flyway states were allowed the opportunity to increase the season length or daily bag limit for the 2015-16 hunting season because of increased populations in the Flyway.  At their August meeting, out of concern for declining wintering populations, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission chose less than the allowed increase in season length.


They also charged the LDWF waterfowl section with investigating sources of the declining trend in the number of white-fronted geese overwintering in Louisiana in order to inform future management and hunting regulation decisions.

The initial research involves capturing, banding, and fitting white-fronted geese with transmitters to track their movements and habitat use. With funding donated by private individuals and organizations, 11 individual transmitters were acquired to place on white-fronted geese.


Paul Link, LDWF’s North American Waterfowl Management Plan Coordinator, assumed project leadership because of his extraordinary waterfowl trapping skills and expertise in wildlife telemetry. Wintering white-fronts have proven difficult to catch in meaningful numbers.


“Having access to high quality habitats for trapping efforts was critical to this research,” Link said. “We are very thankful for the access granted by private landowners and staff at the Southwest Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge Complex.”


Link and his student workers caught 79 white-fronts during October and November.  All were leg-banded and 11 adults were fitted with the transmitter units.


Recent technology allows unprecedented insight into bird movements and behaviors. Up to 48 GPS locations per day are being collected on each bird fitted with a transmitter.  “These 11 white-fronts are the first wild birds to carry this technology, which is exciting,” Link said.


Transmitters are expected to last three to four years, which will help identify habitats used, local and long-range movements, fidelity among wintering and breeding areas, as well as spring and fall migratory routes and stopovers.


A primary research focus is identifying habitat use and movements in and out of Louisiana. Six white-fronts were captured and fitted with transmitter units on Oct. 18 in southwest Louisiana and were still there on Nov. 7, opening day of the coastal zone waterfowl season. Within three days, five of those six birds left the coastal zone during a time of stable weather. It is too early to say whether it was simply the onset of hunting season, food depletion, improving habitat conditions elsewhere, or a combination of these and other factors.


Five additional white-fronts were fitted with transmitter units during the first split of the waterfowl season.  As of today, six of the fitted geese are in Arkansas, four remain in Louisiana, and one is in Texas.


“It would be great to have more transmitters to deploy this winter to get more data on local habitat use and see if white-fronts continue to move out of southwest Louisiana,” Link said. “They are moving around much more than we suspected, and are successfully avoiding harvest and predation.”


LDWF has committed to deploying additional transmitters next fall as well. For more information and for anyone interested in making a tax-deductible donation to purchase transmitters, contact Paul Link at 225-765-2358 or plink@wlf.la.gov. 


Hunters who harvest one of the geese with a transmitter are asked to contact Link and turn it in so that the unit can be redeployed on another goose.  LDWF will exchange a replica non-working transmitter as a keepsake for the hunter.