The Artificial Reef Council will meet at 9:00 am on Thursday, August 25 in the Louisiana Room of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries headquarters building, 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge.


1)   Introduction and Welcome                                                          

2)   Approval of Minutes & Agenda                                                 

3)   Reef Program Update---Michael McDonough & Craig Gothreaux

4)   Presentation of Nearshore Reef Planning Area Maps

            -Decision by Council

5)   Presentation of Inshore Reef Proposals:

            a) Lake Pontchartrain

                        -Decision by Council

            b) Calcasieu Lake

                        -Decision by Council

6)   Public Comments

7)   Other business

8)   Adjourn

For more information contact Mike McDonough at 225-763-5418.