he Artificial Reef Program Council will meet on Tuesday, November 27 at 1:30 p.m. in the Joe L. Herring Louisiana Room at Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries headquarters building located at 2000 Quail Drive in Baton Rouge.
The agenda is as follows:

  1.  Introduction and welcome
  2.  Approval of agenda
  3.  Approval of minutes
  4.  Reef Program updates
  5.  a.  Nearshore & Offshore: Mike McDonough
  6.  b.  Inshore: Ashley Ferguson
  7.  c.  Monitoring & NRDA Rec Use: Ashley Ferguson
  8.  Presentation on proposed Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation Reef Sites*
  9.  Nearshore planning area addition*
  10.  Public Comments
  11.  Other business
  12.  Adjourn

*Action item for Council