The Louisiana Shrimp Task Force applauds the actions of state legislators and Governor Jindal as HB 668 by Rep. Dorothy Sue Hill was signed into law today.  Effective August 1, HB 668 repeals state laws, which up to this point have prohibited Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agents from enforcing federal turtle excluder device (TED) and by-catch reduction device (BRD) regulations in state territorial waters.
Louisiana shrimpers have always been required to comply with federal TED regulations, but this bill authorizes LDWF agents to enforce the regulations.
Throughout the year, the Shrimp Task Force worked with industry members and attended public meetings to better understand the industry’s concerns regarding the repeal of the existing laws.   Based on the feedback and support received from the industry, the Shrimp Task Force led the way and voted unanimously at their April 1, 2015 meeting to repeal the current prohibition of enforcement.
“Today is a monumental day for our shrimp industry and will show the world that Louisiana fishermen and processors have always been concerned with the successful management of our shrimp fishery, said Mark Abraham, Shrimp Task Force Chairman. “The Shrimp Task Force applauds Governor Jindal and our state legislators who worked with us to pass this legislation.”
The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana's abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at, on Facebook at, or follow us on Twitter @LDWF.

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