The following is the agenda for the Louisiana Shrimp Task Force Meeting. The public is invited to attend.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 10:00 a.m.

Terrebonne Council Meeting Room

8026 Main Street, Houma, LA 70360




I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Roll call and Introduction of Guests

III. Approval of the January 16, 2019 meeting minutes and of the March 27, 2019 Agenda

IV. Treasury Report

A. Budget Report- LDWF

V. Federal Shrimp Permit Report- STF

VI. New Business

A. To Hear a Presentation on Proposed Changes to Nearshore Artificial Reef Planning- LDWF

B. To Hear an Update and Consider Partial Funding of the Shrimp Bycatch Study- LDWF

C. To Consider a Resolution of Support for the Shrimp Promotion and Marketing Fund Bill- STF

D. To Discuss a Commercial Shrimping Industry Professionalism Program- STF

E. To Discuss a Seafood Label of Origin for Restaurants- STF

F. To Hear an Update on the Shrimp Industry’s Trip to Washington, D.C. and the LA Alive Event- STF

G. To Discuss and Consider Shrimp Task Force Seat Vacancy Nominations- STF

H. Officer Elections- STF

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Adjourn

The meeting will be held in compliance with Louisiana’s Open Meetings Law as defined by Louisiana R.S. 42:11, et seq.  The public is invited to attend. To listen in to the meeting via webinar register at

The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana's abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at, on Facebook at, or follow us on Twitter @LDWF.

To sign up for LDWF commercial fishing alerts sent as text messages or as emails, visit For press inquiries please contact Rene LeBreton, 504-286-8745 or

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is committed to accommodating all reasonable special requests regarding access to our meetings. Please direct all sign language interpreting services or other accommodation needs to at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date.