The Public Oyster Seed Ground Vessel Permit Appeals Board will meet Tuesday, May 14, 2019. The meeting will convene at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Bernard Port, Harbor, and Terminal building located at 100 Port Blvd., Chalmette, LA 70043.


Agenda items for the meeting of the Public Oyster Seed Ground Vessel Permit Appeals Board are as follows:

1.  Call to Order

2.  Pledge of Allegiance

3.  Roll Call

4.  Approval of Agenda

5. Approval of Minutes from November 7, 2018 Meeting

6. Hearing of Deferred Renewal Permit Appeals

A. Mauricio Blanco

7. Hearing of New Renewal Permit Appeal

A. Pannagl Seafood

B. Sophin Men

8. Receive Department Response to Special Mailing of Permit Notices Request – LDWF

9. Receive Report on Public Oyster Seed Ground Vessel Permit Numbers – LDWF

10. Receive Public Comments

11. Set Next Meeting Date

12. Adjournment

This Board was established by Act 922 of the 2008 Regular Legislative Session for the purpose of hearing appeals of vessel permit denials by LDWF. Act 922 requires that anyone commercially harvesting oysters on the public oyster seed grounds and reservations, except those in Calcasieu Lake, must do so from a vessel holding a public oyster seed ground vessel permit issued by LDWF.

The meeting will be held in compliance with Louisiana’s Open Meetings Law as defined by Louisiana R.S. 42:11, et seq.  The public is invited to attend.

For more information, please contact Ty Lindsey at 225-765-2387 or or Carolina Bourque at 337-735-8726 or