A female sperm whale found dead on a sandbar just off of Grand Isle Beach on Aug. 26 was the third sperm whale found stranded along the coast of Louisiana within the past year and the fifth stranding of this endangered species in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
The sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, is listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act in the Gulf of Mexico. This was either an older juvenile or a young adult, said LDWF biologist Mandy Tumlin, the Louisiana Marine Mammal Stranding and Rescue Program Coordinator.
“Sperm whales found in the Gulf of Mexico are generally smaller than those found in other locations,’’ Tumlin said. “This animal was a female and they tend to be a lot smaller than males in this species. Sperm whales only have teeth on the lower jaw, those teeth have been collected and can be used in determining the age of the animal.’’
Staff from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), City of Grand Isle and Audubon’s Coastal Wildlife Network responded to the stranding. They were able to get the animal onto the beach and to perform a necropsy on the whale.
The necropsy allows biologists to collect internal samples from organs and tissues that are analyzed by a lab in an effort to determine the cause of death. Upon conclusion of the necropsy, the City of Grand Isle buried the carcass on the beach further away from camps and residences. LDWF thanks the public, Grand Isle Employees, Coastal Wildlife Network and everyone who assisted with these efforts.
“It is important to note that sometimes we may not be able to identify an exact cause of death,’’ Tumlin said. “However, each and every stranding is important for obtaining valuable information about each of these species, especially in this case of an endangered species such as the sperm whale.’’
LDWF encourages the public to report any marine mammal strandings to the NOAA Southeast Region Marine Mammal Stranding Network Hotline at 1-877-433-8299. To report marine mammal violations, such as people feeding, attempting to feed, or harassing marine mammals in the wild, please contact the national NOAA Fisheries Enforcement Hotline at 1-800-853-1964. Information may be left anonymously. Sperm whales are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. It is illegal to harass or interact with marine mammals whether they are dead or alive.
Dos and Don’ts For Encountering Marine Mammals
DO immediately report all dead marine mammals, even if they are decomposed. Call the Southeast Region Stranding Network 24-hour hotline: 1-877-WHALE HELP (1-877-942-5343) to be connected to your state’s marine mammals stranding network. The stranding network will send out trained responders who will get to the scene quickly with appropriate equipment.

DON’T push the animal back out to sea! Stranded marine mammals may be sick or injured. Returning animals to sea delays examination and treatment and often results in the animal re-stranding in worse condition.

If the animal returns to the water on its own, DON’T attempt to interact with it (swim with, ride, etc.).

DO put human safety above animal safety. If conditions are dangerous, do not attempt to approach the animal.

DO stay with the animal until rescuers arrive, but use caution. Marine mammals can be dangerous and/or carry disease. Keep a safe distance from the head and tail. Also, minimize contact with the animal (use gloves if necessary) and avoid inhaling the animal’s expired air.

If the animal is alive, DO keep its skin moist and cool by splashing water over its body. Use wet towels to help keep the skin moist and prevent sunburn.

If the animal is alive, DON’T cover or obstruct the blowhole. Try to keep sand and water away from the blowhole.

DO keep crowds away and noise levels down to avoid causing further stress to the animal.

DO keep dogs/pets away from the live or dead marine mammal.

DON’T collect any parts (tissues, teeth, bones, or gear, etc.) from dead animals. They are still covered by the Marine Mammal Protection Act