LDWF agents cited three St. Bernard men for alleged commercial fishing violations on April 17 in St. Bernard Parish.

Agents arrested Bruce M. Guerra III, 34, Joseph E. Mitchell Jr., 58, and Tory A. Hoo, 33, for unlawfully taking oysters from a private lease and failure to have written permission.

Agents were on patrol in Lake Coquille when they observed the three men in a vessel actively dredging for oysters in an area not leased to them around 12:30 p.m.

Agents seized 27 sacks of oysters and returned them to the water.  Agents also seized two oyster dredges and placed a forfeiture order for Guerra's vessel.  Agents then booked the men into the St. Bernard Parish Jail.

Unlawfully taking oysters from a private lease and failing to have written permission both carry up to a $950 fine and 120 days in jail for each offense.

The men could also face having their oyster harvester licenses revoked by LDWF for up to one year.  The violators could also be sentenced to perform 40 hours of community service and only be allowed to harvest oysters from a vessel that is equipped with a vessel monitoring device for up to one year.