Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agents cited three restaurant managers on Jan. 26 in central Louisiana for allegedly selling swai fish as catfish.

Agents cited Robert Fant, 63, of Pineville, Mollie McDowell, 27, of Pineville, and Michael Rhodes, 39, of Pineville, for selling swai fish as catfish to their customers.

Agents received a tip that the Rosie Joe’s restaurant in Alexandria and the Crazy Cajun restaurant in Tioga were selling swai fish as catfish.  Agents performed an inspection of both restaurants and found that catfish was listed on the menu and found swai fish in the freezer.  Agents cited McDowell and Fant as a result of these restaurant inspections.

Agents also learned that the same practice occurs at the Debarge’s Crawfish restaurant in Alexandria and cited Rhodes.

Selling swai fish as catfish brings a $400 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail.