A Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agent cited two men for alleged night hunting violations in Concordia Parish on Oct. 4.

The agent cited Zachary Duncan, 26, of Jonesville, and Hunter Frey, 24, of Monterey, for hunting deer during illegal hours and hunting from a moving vehicle.  Duncan was also cited for discharging a firearm from a public road, hunting without resident and big game licenses, and failure to comply with deer tagging requirements.

The agent was on patrol at night in Concordia Parish when he heard a gunshot from a high powered rifle near the location of Bodark Road.  The agent found a truck parked in the woods off Bodark Road containing fresh blood in the bed of the truck.

The agent made contact with Duncan and he admitted to killing a 10-point buck at approximately 3:20 a.m. and hiding it in the woods nearby.  The agent also found Frey in the field adjacent to where the deer had been shot.

The agent seized the antlered deer as well as the thermal scoped AR-15 that was used to kill the deer.

Hunting deer during illegal hours brings a $900 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail.  Hunting from a moving vehicle carries a $250 to $500 fine and up to 90 days in jail.  Failure to comply with deer tagging requirements and discharging a firearm from a public road each brings a $100 to $350 fine and up to 30 days in jail for each offense.  Hunting without basic hunting and big game licenses each brings up to a $50 fine and 15 days in jail.

Duncan and Frey may also face civil restitution totaling $2,033 for the replacement value of the illegally taken deer.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at www.wlf.la.gov. To receive email alerts, signup at http://www.wlf.la.gov/signup.