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Southeastern Crowned Snake

  • Scientific Name:

    Tantilla coronata
  • Terrestrial

  • Native

  • Snakes

  • Nonvenomous


A small garden snake- 6 to 13 inches long. Pale tan above with a pink cast to the underside. Top of head is dark brown with a pale collar followed by a dark collar. Tiny eyes. Smooth scales in 15 rows.

Range and Habitat

Found in dry pine-oak forest and flatwoods in well-drained areas of the Florida Parishes.


Often burrow in sandy or loamy soil and wood pulp of forests. Feed on insects, larvae, and earthworms. Lay 2 or 3 eggs.

Population Status

Ranked as S1 (critically imperiled) in Louisiana. Have been found at only on locality in Louisiana since the mid-1980s.