The next regular Commission Meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on Thursday, November 6, 2014, at the Wildlife and Fisheries Headquarters Building located at 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

The following items will be discussed:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes of October 2, 2014
  3. Commission Special Announcements/Personal Privilege
  4. To Hear Enforcement Reports October 2014
  5. To Consider a Declaration of Emergency Establishing the Louisiana Fisheries Forward Program for the Commercial Crab Industry
  6. To Consider a Resolution to Establish the Crusel Tract Acquisition as a Wildlife Management Area and Incorporate it into the Maurepas Swamp WMA
  7. To Hear a Presentation of the Wildlife Management Area Master Plan
  8. To Hear an Update on the Rockefeller Hurricane Recovery
  9. Presentation of the Louisiana Duck Stamp Contest Winner
  10. Set March 2015 Meeting Date
  11. Receive Public Comments
  12. To consider holding an executive session, pursuant to R.S. 42:17(A)(2), to discuss on-going litigation in Michael Sandlin et al v. LDWF et al, No. C608,050, Div. D, 19th JDC, Parish of East Baton Rouge and USZA et al v. LDWF et al, No. 632,770, Sec. 26, 19th JDC, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Triche, et al. v. State of Louisiana, Docket No. 631535, Div. 23, 19th JDC.
  13. Adjournment



Live audio streaming of the November Commission meeting is available:

To access the live audio stream, please register for Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission November 2014 Meeting on Nov 6, 2014 9:30 AM CST at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.