The next regular Commission Meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on Thursday, August 7, 2014, at the Wildlife and Fisheries Headquarters Building located at 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA
The following items will be discussed:

1.  Roll Call
2.  Approval of Minutes of July 3, 2014
3.  Commission Special Announcements/Personal Privilege
4.  Recognize Chevron for social responsibility support of Whooping Crane reintroduction
5.  Recognize Recreation Trails Program Achievement Award
6.  To Hear Enforcement Reports July 2014
7.  To Hear Notice of the Secretary Reopening Certain Waters previously closed to Commercial Fishing and Certain Recreational Fishing as a result of the DWH Oil Spill (No Commission action required)
8.  To Consider a Declaration of Emergency for setting the Opening Dates of the 2014 Fall Inshore Shrimp Season
9.  To Hear a Report on Calcasieu Lake Oyster Resource
10.  To Consider a Declaration of Emergency for the 2014-2015 Oyster Season Dates and Harvest Limits for the Public Oyster Areas of Louisiana
11.  To Hear an Inland Fisheries Update Report
12.  To Consider an Amendment and Hear Final Public Comments on the Port Eads Possession Limit NOI
13.  To Consider A Declaration of Emergency for the 2014-2015 Waterfowl Season Dates
14.  To Consider a Notice of Intent to Amend the Rules and Regulations Governing the Possession of Potentially Dangerous Quadrupeds - Big Exotic Cats to conform the rules to Act 697 of the 2014 Regular Session of the Legislature
15.  Set December 2014 Meeting Date
16.  Receive Public Comments
17.  Adjournment
To listen to the meeting live via webinar, register at