The next regular Commission Meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on Thursday, March 6, 2014, at the Wildlife and Fisheries Headquarters Building located at 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

The following items will be discussed:

  1.  Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes of February 6, 2014
  3. Commission Special Announcements/Personal Privilege
  4. To Hear Enforcement & Aviation Reports February
  5. CCA Presentation of the Conservationist of the Year Award
  6. To Consider a Notice of Intent to Increase the Possession Limit for Black Bass below the Salt Water Line 
  7. To Consider an Amendment to Increase Small Game Possession Limit to Three Days Bag Limit
  8. To Consider an Amendment to Adjust Deer Season Area 5 Season Dates for the Year 2014-2015
  9. To Consider a Declaration of Emergency on Fisheries Closures Due to the BP Oil Spill
  10. To Consider a Notice of Intent to Modify Commercial Netting Restrictions on False River, Lake Bruin and Lake Providence
  11. To Hear and Discuss the Louisiana Red Snapper Management Issues
  12. Set July 2014 Meeting Date
  13. Receive Public Comments
  14. Adjournment