The next regular Commission Meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on Thursday, May 5, 2016, at the Wildlife and Fisheries Headquarters Building located at 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA.

The following items will be discussed:

1.    Call to Order         
2.    Roll Call
3.    Approval of Minutes from March 03 and April 07, 2016  Meetings
4.    Commission Special Announcements / Personal Privilege         
5.    To hear Enforcement Reports April 2016
6.    To hear an update on the 2016 Legislative Session
7.    To consider a Notice of Intent modifying the black bass regulations on the Sabine River.
8.    To consider a Declaration of Emergency setting the opening dates of the Territorial Sea and 2016 Spring Inshore Shrimp Seasons
9.    To consider a Declaration of Emergency and Notice of Intent modifying the 2016 Recreational Gag Season and Gag and Black Grouper size limits 
10.  To hear a Summary Report on the 2015/2016 Public Seed Ground Oyster Season
11.   Announcement of dates for the 2016 Free Recreational Fishing Days
12.  To consider a Notice of Intent to Outlaw Quadruped, Nutria and Beaver Night Take Permit
13.  Set September 2016 Meeting Date
14.  Receive Public Comments
15.  Adjournment 

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