The next regular Commission Meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on Thursday, June 4, 2015, at the Wildlife and Fisheries Headquarters Building located at 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA

The following items will be discussed:

1.  Roll Call

2.  Approval of Minutes of April 2 and May 7, 2015

3.  Commission Special Announcements/Personal Privilege

4.  Special recognition of Tony Vidrine - Quality Deer Managers Association (QDMA) Deer Manager of the Year National Award recipient

5.  To hear Enforcement Reports May 2015

6.  To hear presentations from three proposals to utilize Breeding Waterfowl Habitat Conservation funding

7.  To hear an update on the Legislative Session 

8.  Set October 2015 Meeting Date

9.  Receive Public Comments

10.  Adjournment