Artificial Reef Council Meeting
July 20, 2020, 1:00 pm
(Due to the threat of Covid-19, this meeting will be virtual attendance only, link below)
- Introduction and Welcome
- Approval of agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Proposed changes to West Delta 117 Reef*
- East Cameron 278 SARS – proposal for final approval*
- South Pass 37 C derrick*
- Public Comments
- Other business
- Adjourn
*Action item for Council
Due to the threat of Covid-19, this meeting will be virtual attendance only:
For those wishing to provide public comment:
Before the meeting, please email Mike McDonough at Your email must include the agenda item # in the subject of your email. The body of your message should include your name and address before your comment. Comments will be accepted via email up to noon on Monday, July 20, 2020. No comments will be accepted via the webinar chat feature.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. LDWF receives no state general funding and depends on license sales as a major funding source. Help us protect your hunting and fishing heritage while preserving habitat, wildlife, and aquatic resources by purchasing your license at To receive email or text alerts signup here.