Benton Intermediate School ALAS team members.

Benton Intermediate School took first place in the bullseye elementary division of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP) Championship in Daytona, Florida, last week. The school also finished second in the 3D elementary division of the event.

Benton Intermediate is part of the Archery in Louisiana Schools program (ALAS), administered by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) and sponsored by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation. Several teams and individuals from ALAS competed in the tournament.

Michael Constance, a sophomore from Tioga High, shot 292 in the bullseye division and finished fourth among sophomores and 14th among all high school male competitors. Hayden Constance, a freshman from Tioga High, shot 290 and finished 10th among freshmen and 29th among all high school male competitors.

Charli Long, a freshman from Benton High, shot 289 in the 3D competition to finish third among freshmen and 12th among all female high school competitors.

Catherine Boyett of Calvary Baptist finished sixth among elementary girls and Paxton Cassel was 10th among elementary boys in the 3D competition.

The ALAS Program is part of NASP and is designed to teach students in grades 4-12 international target style archery. The ALAS/NASP program is available to all schools in Louisiana and grants are available to assist with funding. 
For more information on the ALAS program, go to or contact Chad Moore at or 318-230-4352.

To see the full results of the NASP Championship, go to