Louisiana Feral Hog Management Advisory Task Force
Meeting Agenda
11 October 2018
I.          Call to Order
II.        Roll Call
III.       Announcements and Introductions
IV.       Approval of meeting minutes – 12 July 2018
V.        Old Business
            A. Update on items addressed at 12 July meeting  
                        1. USDA testing on warfarin/Kaput®
                        2. Update on non-target animals feeding on dropped bait from feeder trials
                        3. Disease data from hogs trapped on WMAs
            B. Update from LDAF on plans for warfarin/Kaput® licensing in La  
            C. Website update  
VI.       New Business
            A. Letter of request to SEAFWA Wild Hog Working Group  
B. Report from National Wild Pig Task Force  
            C. Farm Bill news
            D. By-Laws amendment to change term limit on officers
            E. Election of officers for 2019
            F. Annual Report – due 1 February 2019
            G. Other – LDWF Enforcement division citations issued since HB 226 went into effect
VII.     Public Comments
VIII.    Announcement of next meeting date – 10 January 2019
IX.       Adjournment