Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agents cited four subjects for alleged oyster fishing violations in St. Mary Parish on April 17.

Agents cited Omar Gomes, 46, Jose Tellez, 20, Emiliano Carbajal, 59, and Kelvin Reyes, 32, all from Houma, for taking oysters from state grounds during a closed season and using an illegal dredge.

Agents were on patrol when they received a complaint about people harvesting polluted oysters near Point Au Fer Island.  When agents arrived, the two vessels had just finished harvesting oysters with oversized dredges in the closed area with one vessel possessing 28 sacks of oysters and the other possessing 33 sacks.

Agents seized 61 sacks of oysters and returned them to the water.

Harvesting oysters from state grounds during a closed season brings a $900 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail.  Using an illegal dredge carries up to a $350 fine.

Agents participating in the case are Sgt. Gerald Sander and Agent Joel Rubio.