When it comes to the East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture’s prescribed fire strategy, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) biologist Amity Bass has been a key voice in promoting the issue on behalf of the bird conservation partnership.


For her efforts and contributions, the EGCPJV honored Bass, an LDWF biologist director, with a special recognition award during the January meeting of the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting in Baton Rouge.


“Amity Bass is recognized as a leader by board members and staff alike,’’ said Catherine Rideout, Joint Venture coordinator. “We greatly appreciate her contributions, which have been essential to the success of many of our conservation efforts. We also acknowledge the important contributions and engagement of LDWF staff and are honored to present Amity with the East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture Special Recognition Award.’’


Bass, who has worked for LDWF since November of 2007, joined EGCPJV as a board member in 2010. She has served on the executive committee and played a critical role in the success of several Joint Venture activities by insuring LDWF support for many projects.


Among her many roles, Bass is the chair of the Prescribed Fire Working Group. Her input was essential in the development of the Joint Venture’s prescribed fire communications strategy: “A Burning Issue: Prescribed Fire and Fire-adapted Habitats of the East Gulf Coastal Plain.’’


The strategy is being widely used by Joint Venture partners in large measure because Bass has trumpeted its benefits to many conservation groups throughout the Southeast U.S. She also has represented the Joint Venture on fire issues in numerous arenas, including the Prescribed Fire Communications Summit hosted at Tall Timbers Research Station in Tallahassee, Fla., and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Gulf Power and Southern Company partnership meeting this summer.


“We’re pleased Amity has been recognized for her work but certainly not surprised,’’ LDWF chief of Coastal & Nongame Resources Bob Love said. “We knew when Amity joined the (EGCPJV) board that she would be a valuable member because of her experience, expertise and dedication with LDWF. She has well represented the state and LDWF with the Joint Venture.’’


EGCPJV is a self-directed partnership of 14 state, federal, private and academic organizations and coordinates bird conservation efforts in the coastal plain of six southeastern states.


The governing board of Joint Venture provides leadership by setting priorities and providing resources and support to the partnership.

LDWF has been an active partner since EGCPJV was founded in 2006.

For more information on East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture, log on to www.egcpjv.org.


The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at www.wlf.la.gov or www.FishLA.org.