The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission voted Thursday (March 3) to make several amendments to the proposed notice of intent for the 2016-17 hunting seasons, rules and regulations. 

The commission voted to alter the first split of duck hunting season in the West Zone, eliminating the final week of the initial split and moving that week to the end of the second split in January.

The first split for the West Zone will run from Nov. 12-27 with the second split set for Dec. 17-Jan. 29 and the youth hunts scheduled for Nov. 5 and Feb. 4.

The action came during Thursday’s monthly meeting in Alexandria.

The commission also voted for other amendments to the Notice of Intent, including:

To view the full notices of intent and all proposed hunting season dates and regulations changes, visit .

Public comment will be accepted from now through April 6 and may be submitted directly to Steve Smith, LDWF Wildlife Division, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000, or via email to .

For more information, contact Steve Smith at 225-765-2359 or .