The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission will meet at 9:30 a.m. on September 5 at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries headquarters at 2000 Quail Drive in Baton Rouge.



1.     Call to Order

2.     Pledge of Allegiance

3.     Roll Call

4.     Approval of September 5, 2024 Agenda

5.     Adoption of August 1, 2024 Commission Meeting Minutes

6.     Commission Special Announcements / Personal Privilege

7.     Receive an Update on the Black Bear Hunting Lottery Process – Secretary Madison Sheahan

8.     Enforcement Report, August 2024 – Captain Davis Madere, Enforcement Division

9.     Receive and Consider Amendments to the Notice of Intent for Rule Changes to the Reptile and Amphibian Regulations – Keri Lejeune, State Herpetologist

10.  Receive and Consider a Declaration of Emergency to Set the 2024-2025 Oyster Season – Robert Caballero, Marine Fisheries Biologist

11.  Receive and Consider a Notice of Intent to Modify Recreational and Commercial Shark Harvest Regulations – Jason Adriance, Marine Fisheries Biologist

12.  Receive Public Comments

13.  Adjournment


A live audio/video stream of this meeting will be available via Zoom. To attend via webinar, register at: