Today, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission set the opening dates for the fall inshore shrimp season based on information provided by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) biologists and public comments.
Season openings are as follows:

LDWF biologists have monitored hydrological conditions and conducted trawl samples throughout the state’s estuarine and nearshore waters to develop recommendations for the opening of the fall shrimp season. Data were used to calculate a date when white shrimp will reach marketable size.
The Commission granted authority to the Secretary of LDWF to delay or advance these opening dates if biological and technical data indicate the need to do so, and; to close any portion of Louisiana inside or outside waters to protect small juvenile white shrimp if biological and technical data indicate the need to do so, or enforcement problems develop. Notice of any opening, delaying or closing of a season by the Secretary will be made by public notice at least 72 hours prior to such action.