The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC) adopted a notice of intent today for the establishment of permit regulations for Louisiana native wildlife used in the entertainment and film industry.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) developed the regulations in response to Act 550, passed by the State Legislature in 2012. This act added language to R.S. 56:105(A) to allow possession of Louisiana native wildlife for entertainment purposes.

The permit regulations establish general rules regarding permit requirements, animal origin, purchase and use of the animals, holding pen specifications, travel enclosure requirements and reporting requirements. Among the general rules are stipulations that the permit allows use of Louisiana wildlife species only and that animals must have been obtained from a licensed trapper, licensed Game Breeder or a licensed Nongame Quadruped Breeder.

Potentially dangerous quadrupeds, big exotic cats, and non-human primates, as listed in R.S. 56:6 and LAC 76.V.1.115 are specifically prohibited from being included under this permit.

By their nature, animals used in the film and entertainment industry are subjected to temperament testing, training, and handling for their use in this type of industry. The Film and Entertainment Industry Animal permit (FEIAP) has been developed by LDWF to protect potential human health hazards and animal welfare issues inherent in holding, training, and handling of non-domesticated animal species. It also addresses possessing native bird, reptile, and amphibian species in addition to mammals.