The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission will meet at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, February 3, at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries headquarters, located at 2000 Quail Drive in Baton Rouge.

Due to the public health emergency guidelines established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, only 40 members of the public will be allowed in the meeting room at one time. All members of the public will have to wear a mask to enter the building.

However, in an effort to allow more public access to the meeting, the Commission asks those persons attending for a single agenda item to leave after that item is heard. This will allow other members of the public to rotate into the room.


1.      Call to Order

2.      Pledge of Allegiance

3.      Roll Call

4.      Adoption of January 6, 2022, Commission Meeting Minutes

5.      Approval of February 3, 2022 Agenda

6.      Commission Special Announcements / Personal Privilege

a.         Announcement of New Commission Members – Kevin Sagrera and Brandon DeCuir

7.      Enforcement Report, January 2022 – Major Edward Skena, Enforcement Division

8.      Receive Public Comments and Consider Amendments for the Notice of Intent on Rule Changes in Wild Quadrupeds and Wild Bird Rules and Regulations, including General and Wildlife Management Area Hunting Rules and Regulations, General and WMA Turkey Hunting Regulations, Resident Game Hunting Season Date Adjustments for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 and Migratory Bird Season Adjustments for 2022-2023 – Tommy Tuma, Biologist Director

9.      Receive and Consider a Notice of Intent on Self-Clearing Permits for Department Refuges and Wildlife Conservation Areas – Tommy Tuma, Biologist Director

10.  Receive and Consider a Declaration of Emergency to Rescind the Supplemental Feeding Ban in Union and Morehouse Parishes – Johnathan Bordelon, Deer Program Manager

11.  Progress Update on the Louisiana National Estuarine Research Reserve (LaNERR) – Dr. Robert Twilley, LSU

12.  Receive and Consider an Update on Spotted Seatrout Data – Jason Adriance, Marine Fisheries Biologist

13.  Receive and Accept the Stock Assessment Report for Striped Mullet for Transmittal to the Legislature – Jason Adriance, Marine Fisheries Biologist

14.  Receive Public Comments

15.  Adjournment


A live audio/video stream of this meeting will be available via Zoom.  To view via webinar register at:

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources. LDWF receives no state general funding and depends on license sales as a major funding source.  Help us protect your hunting and fishing heritage while preserving habitat, wildlife, and aquatic resources by purchasing your license at To receive email or text alerts signup here