LDWF Reminds Hunters Spring Squirrel Season Opens May 2
Spring squirrel hunting season begins Saturday (May 2) in Louisiana and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) reminds hunters to use social distancing practices due to the coronavirus pandemic.
LDWF Father/Child FUN Camp on May 1-3 Canceled Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries' (LDWF) Father/Child FUN (Families Understanding Nature) Camp scheduled for May 1-3 at the Woodworth Outdoor Education Center has been canceled.
LDWF Advises Public to Leave Suspected Injured or Orphaned Wildlife and Birds Alone
With families spending more time at home and out and about in their neighborhoods due to the coronavirus pandemic, they may notice the abundance of wildlife and birds with which Louisiana is blessed. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries would like to remind the public that the best practice is to leave wildlife and birds alone and undisturbed even if you suspect them to be injured or orphaned.
LDWF Still Playing Major Part in Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Restoration and Recovery 10 Years Later
LDWF WMAs Are Open But Public Must Practice Social Distancing
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) reminds the public that Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), refuges and shooting ranges remain open. Visitors, however, must practice social distancing measures and have no group larger than 10 people due to the coronavirus pandemic.