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Rainbow Trout

Rainbow trout will be stocked at Get Out and Fish locations throughout Louisiana for your enjoyment. This is a unique opportunity to catch these cold-water species here in Louisiana while temperatures are cool!

Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Rainbow trout
  • Limit - 5 fish per person
  • We suggest fishing for rainbow trout with a light line and small hook. You might try a small spinner lure or rooster tail. Many people have luck with power bait as well. You can catch rainbow trout with both live and dead bait. Click here for a printable PDF of gear suggestions.

Fishing Gear Checklist

What to Bring Why You Need It
Louisiana Basic Fishing License (freshwater only) Required for anglers 18 and over to fish legally
Any rod/reel combo labeled as light or medium-light Lighter action is best for trout species due to their more sensitive bite
Tackle box To store your equipment
Monofilament fishing line, 6-10# test, clear color Strength of line recommended for rainbow trout
Spinning lures, small (1/8-1/4-ounce), rooster tail spinner baits recommended Easy to operate, great for trout  
Corks/bobbers For use with cork/bobber rig
Split shot sinkers For use with cork/bobber rig, if you need extra casting distance; size varies based on need
Egg sinkers (1/8-1/4-ounce) For use with Carolina rig; helps the rig to roll along the bottom without getting snagged
Fluorocarbon leader line, 6-10# test, any brand For use with Carolina rig; hard for fish to see, can improve catch rates
Swivels, small-medium size For use with Carolina rig
J hooks (#8-5 size will work for most brands) For use when fishing with bait instead of a lure
Bait (corn, trout PowerBait) Corn or PowerBait made specifically for trout are commonly used in trout fishing
Long-nose pliers To assist with hook removal
Landing net To assist with getting the fish out of the water

Fishing Tips Video


Don’t forget to bring an ice chest because rainbow trout make for great eating. Remember there is a daily limit of five fish per person.

Rainbow Trout Recipes

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