The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission passed a notice of intent at their meeting today to modify swordfish regulations. The proposed rule would adjust swordfish possession limits to be 1 per angler or 4 per vessel on recreational trips, 1 per angler or 6 per vessel on charter vessels, and 1 per angler or 15 per vessel on headboats, whichever is lower.
Swordfish regulations would also be modified to adjust the legal size limit from a minimum carcass length of 29 inches or a dressed weight of 33 pounds to a minimum size limit of 25 inches Cleithrum to Caudal Keel (CK) length or a minimum size limit of 47 inches Lower Jaw Fork Length (LJFL). Additionally, Roundscale Spearfish would be added as a harvestable billfish with a minimum lower jaw fork length of 66”.
Swordfish are becoming more popular with Louisiana anglers and consistent regulations are needed to ensure anglers are compliant in both state and federal waters when traversing both. The proposed change will also add Roundscale Spearfish into regulations as this is now a separately recognized species which was previously considered the same as White Marlin.
To submit comments contact Jason Adriance at 504.284.2032 or