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Mottled Duck

Summer Mallard

geographic range image


Dark-bodied with mottled appearance due to buffy feather tips. Blue/green speculum with small trailing white edge. Tawny head and neck which is lighter than the rest of the body. Black eye stripe. Females have an orange bill with black splotches, males have a yellow/olive bill. Legs and feet are orange.

Range and Habitat

Two distinct, non-mixing, populations; one along the Gulf Coast from Texas to Alabama, another in peninsular Florida. There also exists an introduced population in South Carolina & Georgia. Non-migratory, year round resident of coastal marshes. Utilizes agricultural fields (particularly rice).


Non-social. Often paired up by early fall. Rarely seen in large groups, rarely seen intermixed with other ducks. Prefer small, isolated marsh ponds, but also agricultural wetlands.

Population Status

Species of concern. Long-term declinine in the Western Gulf Coastal Plain population.

More Information/References

Mottled Duck Brochure and Identification Guide

Waterfowl Identification Guide