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Chronic Wasting Disease

ALERT: The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission has passed rules and regulations for deer carcass exportation and baiting regulations within Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) designated chronic wasting disease (CWD) control area.



Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a neurodegenerative disease found in most deer species, including white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, red deer, moose, and caribou. It is infectious, always fatal, and has no known treatment. It’s part of a group of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) and is similar to BSE (mad cow disease) in cattle and scrapie in sheep. These diseases cause irreversible damage to brain tissue, which leads to salivation, neurological symptoms, emaciation, and death of the animal.


CWD Control Area Regulations and Map

CWD control area map

Where CWD is discovered in Louisiana, LDWF will create a CWD control area, the size of which will depend on the location and distribution of infected deer as well as the density, distribution, and seasonal movements of the local deer population. There will be feeding and baiting restrictions in the CWD control area where the disease is found. There also will be movement restrictions on deer carcass parts. Hunters will not be able to bring whole deer out from the CWD control area. They’ll be restricted to deboned meat, meat that is cut and wrapped, quarters with no part of the head and spinal corda clean skull plate with antlers, tanned hides, finished taxidermy mounts, cleaned cervid teeth, and the cape, which is the skin of the head and shoulders.  Testing of deer harvested within the CWD control area is recommended. LDWF will maintain intensive surveillance in the CWD control area for an indefinite period of time.


Report a CWD Suspect Deer

If you see a live deer exhibiting symptoms of CWD, contact a Wildlife field office, or if outside of working hours call 800.442.2511.


CWD Educational Videos






















CWD Detections by Parish


  2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Total - all years
(only parish with a detection)
1 12 9 22
Statewide Total 1 12 9 22