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02 April
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Hunter Ed Class - Vernon

This format is a 10-hour classroom course that is usually held over 2-3 days. We cover firearm and hunting safety, wildlife management principles, ethics, game identification and outdoor survival. Students must successfully complete a live-fire exercise with both formats. Firearms and ammunition are provided for the live-fire exercise so students should not bring their own. Additional Information This is a full class and cannot be used to satisfy the field day requirement for the online course. Attendees must be 10 years old by the last day of the course in order to be certified. If a PASS is necessary to gain access to Post, allow time to stop at the Visitor Center to obtain one. A permitted roster will be provided to the Visitor Center. More info FT JOHNSON (POLK), BUILDING 2391
1850 22ND ST.,
BLDG 2391, SUITE 102,