The next regular Commission Meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 6, 2018, at the Wildlife and Fisheries Headquarters Building located at 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, LAThe following items will be discussed:


1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Adoption of August 2, 2018 Commission Meeting Minutes

5. Commission Special Announcements / Personal Privilege

6. Enforcement Report August 2018 – Captain Edward Skena

7. Present the NASBLA’s Boating Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award to Sgt. Austin Arteaga – Major Rachel Zechenelly, Enforcement

8. Receive an Update on Required Age to Purchase Commercial Licenses – Michelle Rayburn, Director of Licensing

9. Recognize the LDWF’s Initial Chronic Wasting Disease Response Team – Jack Montoucet, Secretary

10. Receive a Presentation on the LDWF’s Chronic Wasting Disease 2018-2019 Hunting Season Surveillance Plans – Johnathan Bordelon, Wildlife Biologist

11. Receive a Presentation on the Migratory Waterfowl Status for the 2018-2019 Fall Season – Larry Reynolds, Wildlife Biologist

12. Consider Commission’s Response to Proposed Legislation in U.S. Congress Affecting Waterfowl Season and Limit Establishments; Senate Bill 2942 and HR 6013 – Larry Reynolds, Wildlife Biologist

13. Receive an Update on Feral Hog Matters – Dr. Jim LaCour, Wildlife Veterinarian

14. Receive and Consider a Resolution to Add Property through Donation to Maurepas Swamp Wildlife Management Area – Alvin F. Landry, Attorney

15. Receive and Consider Resolutions to Add Properties through Acquisition/Donation to Joyce Wildlife Management Area – Alvin F. Landry, Attorney

16. Receive an Update on the August 2018 Gulf Council Meeting – Chris Schieble, Fisheries Biologist

17. Receive and Consider a Resolution and Notice of Intent to Modify Rules on Mature and Immature Female Blue Crab Harvest – Peyton Cagle, Fisheries Biologist

18. Receive an Update on Recreational Red Snapper Landings – Fisheries Biologist

19. Set January 2019 Commission Meeting Date

20. Receive Public Comments

21. Adjournment